A Message from Our Diocesan Lay Director
Brisbane & Southern Queensland Anglican Diocese
Marg Carr

Welcome to Cursillo in Southern Queensland, 2023 and beyond!
It is my great pleasure to take on the role of Diocesan Lay Director in Cursillo Southern Queensland and I look forward to working with our Secretariat and Diocesan Servant Community in the coming years. A huge thank you to Alan Gray is in order for his passion and tireless work as Diocesan Lay Director over the past 3 years. I have enjoyed working alongside Alan in Secretariat and look forward to his continuing work on the Database.
To our new members of both groups, I say a warm welcome and I know that you will enjoy being a part of God’s plan in action. In Secretariat, we have Margaret Peterson (Bribie Is) as Secretary and, already, we had to ask in our first Zoom meeting, which Margaret are you talking to? That presented an interesting dynamic, so I’m happy to be Marg! Thank you to Gay Clark (Waterloo Bay) who is jumping into Irene’s shoes and will be the new editor of “On Wings Like Eagles”. Kay Self (Kangaroo Pt) will continue in her role as Post Cursillo 2023 until she takes up the reins as Secretary of National Cursillo in 2024.
Peter Victor and Ann Martin-Victor will continue with their roles as Media/Web Coordinator and Treasurer. Thank you both for your tireless work. Sally Turnbull is excited about our biennial pilgrimages, the next one will be 2024 so watch out for more information. Leigh Leighton (Toowoomba West) is the lady to see about all Copyright enquiries. Thank you Leigh! Thank you to those who have finished their term on Secretariat. Sharyn Gray, Geoff Lingard and Irene Moy, your work has been a blessing to us all.
Our new Diocesan Servant Community Leader Nick Crisp (Manly) is well known to many and he has a vision for the future and three new members to his team. Welcome to Suze Ross (Gold Coast Nth), Ian Russell (North Lakes) and Gail Fulton (Allora-Clifton). Gail will specifically look after International Palanca and this is an exciting step for Cursillo SQ as we connect with other weekends Nationally and around the world.
I give thanks to our gracious God for guidance and strength and to our Parish Contacts in every parish. Your support is crucial as you communicate with your parish Cursillistas. Finally, thank you to all in the Fourth Day Community, may our group continue to grow as we spread the love of Christ. Remember to ‘make a friend, be a friend and bring that friend to Jesus’ as you contemplate candidates for 2023. I am excited to announce that our weekend this year will be a mixed Cursillo at the Glennie School in Toowoomba. This means that there will be men and women on team and as well as candidates. There will be separate discussion groups for talks however most of the weekend will be combined. This format has become popular and successful worldwide so let’s give it a go!
Onwards and Upwards we go! Marg Carr (W33, 1993).