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to Cursillo Southern Queensland (Brisbane) Diocese

Part of an International Lay Christian Movement

Endorsed by the Anglican Diocese of Brisbane

The Latest Happenings

Cursillo SQ 40th Anniversary Diocesan Ultreya
Altar Frontal Competition

On the 8th  November 2025, the 40th Anniversary Diocesan Ultreya will be celebrated in St John’s Cathedral.
You are invited to enter into the competition to design an Altar Frontal; initially for the Cathedral but also for any parish to borrow and use during the 40th year following the Ultreya on a rotational basis.
The winning design will be printed on fabric by a commercial printer so the design must adhere to the following criteria:
1.    It must incorporate the 40th Anniversary Logo (copy below)

2.    The size must be 1130mm wide x 1000 deep (the actual size of the front drop piece). 
3.    For interest only, the material must then continue across the top of the Altar for 870mm plus an additional 200mm for the Velcro fixing (St John’s Cathedral requirements.

4.    The colours used in the design must complement those within the Logo
Entry artwork may be sent to Ian Carr:
•    Email:; or 
•    Post: 167 Allenby Road, Wellington Point Qld 4160
Entries close at 5pm Saturday 6th September 2025 at 5pm. No late entries will be accepted.


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Welcome to Cursillo Southern Queensland

(Brisbane) Diocese 2024.


Cursillo Southern Queensland is a far-reaching ministry of the Anglican church. The diocese of Southern Queensland is widespread and covers an area of more than a half a million square kilometres, from Bundaberg in north central Queensland to Coolangatta on the New South Wales border and west to the borders of South Australia and the Northern Territory.  Cursillistas abound in parishes from the beautiful beaches on the coast, through fertile plains, upward to the mountains and further inland to the iconic outback. Since 1985, over 3800 Cursillistas have participated in weekends, and many are still actively engaged in parish life and working in the wider community.


Diocesan Secretariat and Servant community members are also hundreds of kilometres apart, and so, with the one benefit from Covid days, meetings are held via Zoom. Nationally, and despite the distance aspect for Secretariat and Servant Community, we are still a very active diocese. Cursillistas also joyfully travel to Ultreyas and this year we have a new parish on board with their exciting Moreton Ultreya on August 24 at Carindale. Following this will be the Peninsula Ultreya on October 12 and finally, the Diocesan Ultreya on November 2 at Sherwood.


Travelling to visit other towns/provincial cities has been a tradition over the decades and this year was no exception. The biennial Pilgrimage was held in May and involved over 70 Cursillistas visiting parishes from Grovely (Brisbane) to Esk (Brisbane Valley). Driving in convoy to Warwick, a rural town southeast Queensland and returning via Boonah included a visit to the historical Boonah Harrisville Museum. There were three memorable aspects to this Pilgrimage. Firstly, the overwhelming support from all parish clergy and parishioners, providing music, stimulating services and abundant catering along the way. Secondly, the opportunity of catching up with Cursillistas on their territory and lastly, the delight of the participants as they embarked on this journey and participated in a Treasure Hunt along the way. There literally was a multitude of companions on this “Journey in Faith”.


Taking another step in faith to address decades of societal changes impacting attendance at weekends, Cursillo Southern Queensland is venturing into an era of change. The next weekend will take place in August, 2025 at Glendalough, near Noosa, north of Brisbane on the Sunshine Coast. It promises to be an exciting 2-day weekend (Friday to Sunday), with candidates already keen to attend.


If you are curious about Cursillo, have a chat with any Cursillista or visit the website

Onwards and Upwards as Cursillo Southern Queensland heads into its 40th year in 2025.


Marg Carr Diocesan Lay Director

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Diocesan Lay Director
Marg Carr

Checkout latest news from Cursillo in Southern Qld

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Who to Contact?

Diocesan Lay Director Marg Carr

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On Wings Like Eagles


Christmas 2024

Magazine of the Cursillo SQ


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Did you know we have our own Facebook Group now?

This private group is for all who have attended a Three Day weekend and giving Cursillistas the opportunity to share Cursillo happenings in parishes.  Click button to join

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ACMA Snippette

The Guidelines

on how to

Sponsor a Candidate

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Post Cursillo

All About the Role


Post Cursillo

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The Next Event

Bundaberg Ultreya

Good Shepherd,  Bundaberg West

15 March 2025

. Ultreya begins at 1pm

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Online Payments

Enquiries to the Treasurer

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Curiousity and Transformation

Loretta Tyler-Moss

Loretta has kindly allowed us to publish her Witness Talk from the 2021 Diocesan Ultreya

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Applying to attend

So you'd like to attend a Cursillo Weekend?
There's a process to go through

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Pre Cursillo 

All About the Role


Pre Cursillo

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Servant Community

All About the Role


Servant Community

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